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Focus group interviewing applied to retired West Virginia nonindustrial private forest landowners

Author: Kingsley, Neal P.; Brock, Samuel M.; DeBald, Paul S.
Date: 1988
Periodical: Northern Journal of Applied Forestry
Abstract: To gain a deeper understanding of the interests and motivations of retired West Virginia forest landowners, the focus group interview technique was used with four groups of retired resident owners. This group discussion technique provided a deeper understanding of how this important group of forest landowners think. The results show that these owners display a strong sense of stewardship toward the land and a concern for their families, society as a whole, and for future generations that is not evident from the results of mail questionnaire surveys. They tend to downplay the financial aspects of timber production. A land ethic is clearly implied by their comments. They desire a sense of security and well-being from the ownership of forestland and evidence a deep feeling for nature. The results of this study show that focus group interviewing is a viable technique for gaining an understanding of important segments of the land owning population that goes beyond the information provided by mail canvasses.

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