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Fire act grants can fund firewise activities

Author: Anon.
Date: 2003
Periodical: Wildfire News and Notes
Abstract: Congress recently approved a Federal fiscal year 2003 spending package that includes $750 million for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program under the Fire Act, for grants in 2003-2004. This nearly doubles the more than $330 million that was disbursed under the same act in 2001-2002. What does this mean for safety in the wildland/urban interface? Though wildland/urban interface fire issues are addressed in Fire Act priorities including fire operations and firefighter safety, fire prevention, emergency medical services program and vehicle acquisition program, relatively few fire departments applied for assistance related to wildland-urban interface fire risks in 2001-2002. Yet a recent study highlights the need for more training and equipment for local departments coping with fire in the interface.

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