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Environmental justice and the spatial distribution of outdoor recreation sites: an application of geographic information systems

Author: Tarrant, Michael A.; Cordell, H. Ken
Date: 1999
Periodical: Journal of Leisure Research
Abstract: This study examines the spatial distribution of outdoor recreation sites and their proximity to census block groups (CBGs), in order to determine potential socio-economic inequities. It is framed within the context of environmental justice. Information from the Southern Appalachian Assessment database was applied to a case study of the Chattahoochee National Forest in North Georgia. Outdoor recreation sites (campgrounds, wilderness areas, good/poor fisheries habitat, and overcrowded recreation sites) were mapped using geographic information systems. All CBGs (n = 200) contained by, and within 1500 meters (approximately one mile), of the Chattahoochee National Forest were identified and characterized by four sociwconomic variables (race, household income, heritage, and occupation). Logical analysis was conducted to determine the spatial relationships between outdoor recreation sites and CBG variables. Results show that household income was the only significant predictor (I < .05) of proximity to outdoor recreation sites. CBGs with a higher proportion of lower income households were significantly more likely to be situated within 1500 meters of a wilderness area, campground, and/or good fisheries habitat than CBGs with higher incomes. Implications for identifying recreation as a locally desirable or undesirable land-use, applying benefits based management, and considering sustainable community development in national forest management are addressed.

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