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Empowering homeowners to manage fuels with education and communication tools

Author: Monroe, Martha C.; Pennisi, Lisa
Date: 2003
Periodical: USDA Forest Service; North Central Research Station; Synthesis Document. 34 p
Abstract: The nation is beginning to recognize the growing hazard of communities and homes in the wildland-urban interface. Fire fighting and forest agencies are leading the movement to encourage private landowners to accept more responsibility for their risk of wildland fire and reduce their risk. A variety of programs and publications are used to explain structural and landscape modifications that can lead to a greater likelihood of surviving a wildfire. There are many related questions that can be asked, but this paper focuses narrowly on the role of educational materials and communication campaigns to effectively inform, empower, and motivate adult landowners to engage in actions to reduce fuels on their property. The substantial literature on public acceptance of fuels management on public land was excluded, except as these attitudes might be relevant for addressing fuels management on private land. Also excluded are literature about the use of policy to change behavior, children’s programs to raise awareness, and programs that target industrial landowners.

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