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Ecosystem structure and function along urban-rural gradients: An unexploited opportunity for ecology

Author: McDonnell, M.J.; Pickett, S.T.A.
Date: 1990
Periodical: Ecology
Abstract: The growth of metropolitan areas in North America and indeed worldwide indicates that knowledge of ecosystems under the influence of urbanization can only become increasingly important. The magnitude and nature of the change in the physical, chemical, and biotic environments that are associated with urbanization provide an unprecedented suite of "experimental manipulations" that ecologists can utilize. We propose a framework to guide the design and integration of ecological studies along urban-rural gradients and indicate its utility for addressing basic ecological questions. Finally, we suggest that the study of urban-rural gradients provides a new context in which to integrate humans as critical components of ecological systems. The results of these studies will not only contribute to our understanding of basic ecological principles, but are critical to the ecologically sound management of human-dominated ecosystems.

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