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Cultural practices that can reduce fire hazards to homes in the Interior West

Author: Schmidt, Wyman C.; Wakimoto, Ronald H.
Date: 1987
Periodical: In: Symposium and Workshop on Protecting People and Homes from Wildfire in the Interior West; 1987 October 6-8; Missoula, MT.
Abstract: Homes in natural grass-, shrub-, and forest lands are susceptible to wildfire. Cultural practices can be used to reduce fire hazard yet maintain a natural appearance. This paper discusses the most appropriate methods to use in each of four natural settings--grass, shrub, and dwarf conifers; ponderosa pine forests; mixed fir forests; and lodgepole pine forests. Complete fire-proofing is not possible but the probabilities of losing a home to wildfire can be substantially reduced with the relatively simple procedures discussed in this paper.

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