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Controlling the southern pine beetle: small landowner perceptions and practices

Author: Molnar, Joseph J.; Schelhas, John; Holeski, Carrie
Date: 2003
Periodical: Auburn, AL: Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station; Bulletin 649. 35 p
Abstract: Nonindustrial private forests (NIPFs) comprise more than two-thirds of the forestland east of the Mississippi. Rapid population growth and urban/suburban expansion in the South are resulting in land fragmentation (division of forest landholdings into increasingly smaller sized parcels) and resulting in many new landowners. Previous studies have found that NIPF landowners are a diverse group, with great variance in landowning objectives, use of professional forestry assistance, and forest management strategies. The purpose of this study is to examine southern pine beetle prevention and control practices among NIPF landowners in the South.

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