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Control of pests and pathogens

Author: Schlarbaum, Scott E.; Anderson, Robert L.; Campbell, Faith Thompson
Date: 1998
Periodical: In: Peine, JD, ed. Ecosystem management for sustainability. New York: Lewis Publisher
Abstract: The ecosystems of the southern Appalachian region contain a rich diversity of plant and animal species. This rich biodiversity, spread across a varying topography, provides a natural beauty that is enjoyed by millions of people each year. All is not well, however, in these ecosystems. Insects, pathogens, and plants that are alien to the region have altered and are altering the compositions of the flora and fauna. This chapter examines ecosystem changes and stresses over time, describes a selection of introduced pests, provides examples of their interactions with the ecosystem, discusses approaches for addressing the introduction and spread of exotic pests and exotic plant pests and presents a strategy for subsequent reintroduction of decimated species to southern Appalachian ecosystems.

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