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Constructed wetlands for water quality improvement

Author: Morshiri, Gerald A., ed.
Date: 1993
Periodical: Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers
Abstract: In recent years, heightened interest in the application of constructed wetlands for water quality improvement has been demonstrated by the organization of a number of major national and international symposia and conferences on the topic. Currently, there are numerous instances of the application of this approach to water pollution abatement at the design, construction, or operational stages world-wide. This attests to the acceptance of wetland treatment across a wide range of municipal, industrial, and agricultural uses as an alternative to traditional and conventional engineering methods. The Pensacola conference was planned to bring together internationally known researchers and practitioners in constructed wetlands technology in order to exchange past and current experiences across a broad spectrum of topics, methodologies, and applications. Represented were scientists from federal, state, and local government agencies; scientific research entities; private industry; and engineering and consulting organizations. The excellent response to this conference is reflected by 85 oral presentations of which 68 appear in this volume. Topics discussed include theory, application, engineering, and processes. The information presented in this volume will be a valuable supplement to current knowledge in this field, and will, hopefully, serve as a basis for similar future endeavors.

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