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Conservation and development of nontimber forest products in the Pacific Northwest: an annotated bibliography

Author: Von Hagen, B.; Weigand, J.F.; Fight, R. [and others], comps.
Date: 1996
Periodical: Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-375. 246 p.
Abstract: This bibliography encompasses literature on the historic and current scope of nontimber forest product industries in the Pacific Northwest and includes references on international markets and trade that bear on these industries. Key themes in the bibliography are biological and socioeconomic aspects of resource management for sustainable production; procedures for identifying, monitoring, and inventorying important resources: means for technical innovation and resource development; and public education about nontimber forest resources. Social policy issues address the role of nontimber forest products in rural development and the spectrum of ethical considerations required for socially acceptable policy formulation. Economics literature covers estimating the contribution of nontimber forest products to a whole ecosystem economy, analyzing and planning for joint production of agroforestry systems, and enhancing the performance of nontimber forest product sectors.

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