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Communicator's guide: wildland fire

Author: Mullins, G.W., ed.
Date: [N.d.]
Periodical: Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Printing Services. 173 p.
Abstract: Land management practitioners and society as a whole must continue to make a concerted effort to inform and engage people, especially in human communities embedded in fire dependent natural communities. Without this engagement and public participation, land managers will be continually forced to deal with not only wildland fire but also complications that arise out of society's lack of understanding and support for wildland fire management practices and policies. Who says what to whom, when, where, and why are key points in affecting communications. This Communicator's Guide is designed to aid in that communication effort. Found within are background information, ideas, sample materials, and sources for further information. Not found within are prescriptions to success, the most successful how-to techniques, or definitive research studies on wildland fire communications. It should be noted that each section was written as to stand on its own, ready to be extracted and used as a handout.

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