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Characterizing Virginia's private forest owners and their forest lands

Author: Birch, Thomas W.; Hodge, Sandra S.; Thompson, Michael T.
Date: 1998
Periodical: Radnor, PA: USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station; research paper NE-707. 14 p
Abstract: A recently completed forest inventory and two woodland owner surveys have given us insight about the owners of private forest lands in Virginia. There is increasing parcelization of forested lands and an increase in the number of nonindustrial private (NIPF) landowners in Virginia. More than half of the private owners have harvested timber from their holdings at some time in the past, and they control three-quarters of the private forest. Owners have a positive attitude toward timber cutting at a time when there is greater demand for products from the forest. In terms of decision making, private forest owners have control over marketed and non-marketed commodities. This situation needs monitoring to maintain good stewardship for future generations.

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