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Changes in area of timberland in the United States, 1952-2040, by ownership, forest type, region, and state

Author: Alig, R.J.; Hohenstein, W.G.; Murray, B.C.; Haight, R.G.
Date: 1990
Periodical: General Technical Report
Abstract: Projection systems were significantly improved for estimating timberland area in the United States through 2040 by region, State, ownership, and forest type. The model for projecting forest area and ownership considers competing land uses. The model for projecting changes in cover types considers successional influences and behavior of various types of owners. Timberland area in the United States is projected to decline by 21 million acres or 4 percent by the year 2040. The South is the region with the most dynamic changes, including a notable increase in planted pine area. Nonindustrial private owners will make the most changes in land use, causing a net loss of over 18 million acres of timberland by 2040.

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