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Campaign seeks to prevent damage from southern pine beetles

Author: Moses, G.; Nowak, J.
Date: 2004
Periodical: Florida Forests
Abstract: The southern pine beetle (SPB) is an aggressive insect pest that has devastated thousands of acres of pines throughout northern and central Florida during the last decade. Unhealthy and poorly managed pine stands, coupled with drought, have contributed to the development of destructive SPB outbreaks. The state’s most extensive outbreak occurred in 2001, when nearly 2,900 infestations were detected in 34 counties, covering 17,600 acres and resulting in the loss of several million dollars in pine timber. To reduce the risk of future outbreaks, the Florida Department of Agriculture’s Division of Forestry and the University of Florida/IFAS are conducting a year-long campaign to inform private forest landowners about management practices that will improve the health of pine stands and prevent damage from SPB.

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