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Assessing the environmental, social, and economic impacts of wildfire

Author: Morton, Douglas C.; Roessing, Megan E.; Camp, Ann E.; Tyrrell, Mary L.
Date: 2003
Periodical: New Haven, CT: Yale University; School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry; GISF Research Paper 001. 59 p
Abstract: In this report, we summarize the availability and nature of wildfire impact information from eight federal agencies involved in fire management, three states, and ten individual fires from the last three wildfire seasons. Research on data availability was conducted via a thorough review of information posted on the internet and detailed phone interviews with key personnel at federal, state, tribal, and local agencies. We focused on thirteen categories of environmental, social, and economic wildfire impacts. Below, we highlight the findings from our research on wildfire impact data at federal, state, and case study levels.

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