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An examination of the Summerhaven, Arizona home destruction related to the local wildland fire behavior during the June 2003 Aspen Fire

Author: Cohen, Jack D.
Date: 2003
Periodical: [publisher]; USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory. 6 p
Abstract: I examined the home destruction in Summerhaven associated with the 2003 Aspen Fire on July 31 and August 1. My examination was prompted by questions regarding the wildfire behavior related to home destruction and specifically whether homes could have survived the wildfire in the Summerhaven area. The evidence revealed by my examination indicates that the wildfire in the Summerhaven area largely spread as a surface fire not as a high intensity crown fire. The differences in the direct flame and firebrand exposures related to the home characteristics resulted in one house surviving next to its destroyed neighbor. Although the wildland fire largely spread on the surface, high intensity burning occurred in several locations of high structure density. The burn pattern suggests that high intensity fire spread occurred from structure to tree canopy to structure.

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