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Agroforestry: options for landowners

Author: Workman, S.W.; Long, A. J.; Mohan, S. [and others]
Date: 2002
Periodical: Gainesville, FL: University of Florida; FOR 104. 4 p.
Abstract: Agroforestry is growing trees with crops and/or with animals in combinations that will benefit farmers, forest landowners, and communities. By mixing these different components on the same site, agroforestry practices can provide a variety of traditional products and additional income as well as conservation, aesthetic, and environmental benefits. Perhaps the most important aspect of agroforestry is its diversity of land management options for producing income and protecting natural resource values. Agroforestry is part of an intentional land management approach to optimize biological interactions between trees, shrubs, crops, and animals. The multiple products generated from these complementary mixtures are available at different time intervals, can utilize space effectively, and can efficiently cycle nutrients. These diverse combinations also help buffer the risk of income loss due to price variability or crop failure. Opportunities for expanding the use of agroforestry practices, and the benefits that result, are increasing rapidly in the southern United States.

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