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Adopting a modern ecological view of the metropolitan landscape: The case of a greespace system for the New York City region

Author: Flores, A.; Pickett, S.T.A.; Zipperer, W.C. [and others]
Date: 1998
Periodical: Landscapes and Urban Planning
Abstract: Concern about environmental quality and the long-term livability of urban areas is now a driving paradigm for planning professionals. Although a modern ecological framework exists, inappropriate or outdated concepts continue to be used in the context of land-use decision making. These classical concepts emphasize a static view of the landscape and focus on short term planning of single sites. The modern framework emphasizes a dynamic view of a biologically rich urban environment with a focus on interactions among multiple sites across temporal scales. We summarize this framework by presenting five key ecological principles-content, context, dynamics, heterogeneity and hierarchy-and use the New York City Metropolitan Area as a case study to illustrate how these principles might be applied to achieve specific planning goal:. We additionally use the case study as reference in providing some guidelines to more effectively incorporate the modern ecological framework in future planning.

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