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A selective bibliography of scientific literature on hazardous fuel management in loblolly pine-dominated forests of the southeastern U.S.

Author: Douglas, J.M.; Bettinger, P.; Wimberly, M.C. [and others]
Date: 2006
Periodical: University of Georgia Center for Forest Business; CFB Research note #24.
Abstract: Loblolly pine-dominated forests are common in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain of the South. The management of hazardous fuels has become a major issue in these areas, especially where forests are intermixed with housing and roads. In many of these areas, conventional fuel treatments such as prescribed burning or commercial thinning have become problematic or unfeasible. An extensive review of the scientific literature was conducted and compiled to create a best management practices guide on hazardous fuel management in loblolly pine forests. This bibliography is a selection of the literature that was considered most useful.

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