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Landscape and Urban Planning

"An Elsevier journal concerned with conceptual, scientific, and design approaches to land use. By emphasising ecological understanding and a multi-disciplinary approach to analysis and planning and design, it attempts to draw attention to the interrelated nature of problems posed by nature and human use of land. In addition, papers dealing with ecological processes and interactions within urban areas, and between these areas and the surrounding natural systems which support them, will be considered. Papers in which specific problems are examined are welcome. Topics might include but are not limited to landscape ecology, landscape planning and landscape design. Landscape ecology examines how heterogeneous combinations of ecosystems are structured, how they function and how they change. Landscape planning examines the various ways humans structure their land use changes. Landscape design involves the physical strategies and forms by which land use change is actually directed. Landscape and Urban Planning is based on the premise that research linked to practice will ultimately improve the human made landscape." [Description from journal website]

This journal was originally published as Landscape Planning (Volume 1; 1974 through Volume 12; 1986) and publication under the current name began with Volume 13 in 1986. Also in 1986, it incorporated the journal Urban Ecology (Volume 1; 1975 through Volume 9; 1986). [SCUFRI]

ISSN: 0169-2046

Landscape and Urban Planning

Planning, Landscape Ecology, Landuse, Landscape Design
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