Vegetation Risk Management Plan Template - with Attachment
The Vegetation Risk Management Plan (VRMP) is developed as a tool to help increase public safety after a storm event, maintain optimum urban tree canopy, promote tree health, provide for effective emergency and arboricultural management, and decrease emergency management costs.
Following this plan will decrease emergency management costs, reduce the likelihood of damage from trees, reduce tree debris, and reduce the overall impact of major storms on the urban forest. Trees and the debris accumulated from their destruction is the number one cost to emergency management. The VRMP is a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating trees that are in need of pruning, removal, or inspection. This plan will establish a schedule for areas that are most prone to limit or block access to critical infrastructure located on or associated with major transportation routes, including areas with the highest population.
R. Barker
January 2012
Model Project/Program
Risk Assessment and Hazard, Disaster Plans (FEMA), Disaster
Alabama, National
VRMP, UTRI, Disaster Planning