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Guidelines for Developing Urban Forest Practice Ordinances

The Oregon Legislature passed the Forest Practices Act (FPA) in 1971. [MWCU&CF]

"This publication has been developed to help cities and counties decide whether the level and type of protection offered by the FPA within urban growth boundaries (UGBs) and city limits as administered by the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) is appropriate for their needs. Where the FPA does not meet the goals and bjectives of local governmetn with UGBs and city limits, this pubkcation can also help inthe prepeartion of locally administered forest regulations." [page 2]

"This publication is designed to assist local governments in balancing community objectives with economic and environmental concerns as they relate to forest regulations. It outlines a process by which cities or counties can develop regulations that meet their particular goals while meeting state and federal legislative mandates to protect soil, air, water, and fish and wildlife resources." [page 2]

16 pages

P.C. Bell, M. Rupp, S. Plamondon
Date Published
November 1999
Oregon Department of Forestry
Salem, OR (US)
Resource Format
Oregon Forest Practices Act, Oregon Forest Practices Act
MW: F-BKLT-OR-99-001
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