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Community Urban Wood Utilization Planning Worksheet

6-page worksheet that poses questions necessary to answer during the process of developing an urban wood utilization plan

"This worksheet is intended to help walk you through some of the issues you might consider in developing a wood utilization plan. While it might seem overwhelming at first, the questions are merely intended to help you think about what objectives are most important for your own community. These steps make an attempt to introduce many of the major issues, opportunities, and challenges that you are likely to encounter.  The key is to investigate the capacity and partners that you have available and to use them to better meet your own community’s unique needs. [Intro]  "Armed with this information, you should be able to prioritize the goals and objectives that are most important for your planning process, recognize the types of information and/or training needs that you still may have, and identify the types of services that you need from additional partners." [page 6]

J. Simons, A. Weatherspoon
Date Published
Southeast Michigan Resource Conservation and Development Council
Ann Arbor, MI (US)
Resource Format
Wood Utilization
lumber, lumber, biofuel, biofuel
MW: F-PAMP-MI-09-001
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