A Field Guide to Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Wisconsin
Photographic field guide providing basic information on the major terrestrial invasive plants in Wisconsin
With the development of the Wisconsin Invasive Species Identification, Classification, and Control Rule (NR 40), Wisconsin has, for the first time, a legal list of invasive species including 60 plants that are featured in this guide. Also featured in this guide are some species that are not regulated under NR 40 as of September 2009. They were included because they have been observed to be invasive in parts of Wisconsin or in other regions of the U.S. that are similar to Wisconsin.
The bulk of this guide is made up of photos and text to describe species including characteristics to aid in identification, characteristics to tell the invasive species apart from look-alike species, and control information.
This guide was adapted from A Field Guide to Invasive Plants of the Midwest by the Midwest Invasive Plant Network and from Minnesota Invasive Non-Native Terrestrial Plants: an Identification Guide for Natural Resource Managers by the Minnesota DNR.
K. Kearns, T. Boos, C. LeClair, B. Panke, B. Scriver, B. Williams
FR 436-2010
Binder (3-ring)
Invasive Species
MW: S-BIND-WI-10-001