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Published Library Resources

This virtual library holds a wide range of urban forestry resources including: research abstracts and full text journal articles, trade magazine articles, CDs, other technology transfer resources, books (or chapters of books), patents, ordinances, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.

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Forest pests as a hazard factor in urban forests
The urban forest resource
Forests in the urban landscape
Environmental impact assessment for urban natural areas
Urban open spaces
The making of neighborhood open spaces: Community design, development, and management of open spaces
Strategies for political action on environmental issues
Designation of environmentally significant areas
Strategies for legal action on environmental issues
Urban tree management: Survival in the 1980's
Trees for the urban environment
Street tree directory
Recreational use of private lands in urban areas
Forest experiences of fifth-grade Chicago public school students
Caring for trees when building on wooded lots
Urban forest social assessment
Community forestry: a guide
Artificial feeding stations and their effect on urban bird populations
Prevention of tree root invasion
Establishing new trees
Oak wilt in Minnesota: It's still here and we're doing something about it!
Too much mulch is not a good thing!
Stress and secondary invaders
Compensatory prune or not to prune at planting, that is the question!
City of Gaithersburg tree manual
Trees and home construction: minimizing the impact of construction activity on trees
Ecosystem services in urban areas
Pre- and post-construction pruning
Control of tree growth in the urban environment using geotextile fabric bags
Storm damage to landscape trees: prediction, prevention, treatment
Fitting trees and shrubs into the landscape
Protecting trees from construction damage: a homeowner's guide
Sustaining oak woodlands in California's urbanizing environment
Soil microbial ecology of Oregon white oak in an urban landscape
Arboriculture: history and development in North America
Native for native's sake?
Planting trees in your community
Carbon dioxide reduction through urban forestry: guidelines for professional and volunteer tree planters
Pacific Northwest landscape integrated pest management (IPM) manual: culture of key trees & shrubs, problem diagnosis, and management options. 2d ed
Tree guidelines for San Joaquin Valley communities
Tree guidelines for coastal southern California communities
The state of urban and community forestry in California: status in 1997 and trends since 1998
Harvest of energy-wood from urban forests
What's wrong with topping trees?
Storms and Trees
"Right tree - right place": White Pine and salt tolerance
Plant the right tree in the right place
Development of Evade: a new co-formulation herbicide for weed management in forestry and amenity situations
Influence of landscape components on species recruitment in cities
'Designing out' future problems when creating urban woodland
Conserving wooded areas in developing communities: best management practices in Minnesota. Revised
Does open space pay?
Hazards from trees: a general guide
Increasing the trustworthiness of research results: the role of computers in qualitative text analysis
Public parks, private partners: how partnerships are revitalizing urban parks
The impact of parks and open space on property values and the property tax base
Indigenous plants for urban open spaces
Trees and building energy use
This chapter explores "the various effects that trees have on energy use (primarily their impact on heating and cooling of buildings), the ramifications of their impacts, and the potential for maximizing building energy conservation through proper planning and management."
The interactions between urban forests and global climate change
Software tools for estimating and modeling climate benefits provided by urban forests
Urban forests and climate change
Global climate change and the urban forest
Injector-size and the time of application affects uptake of tree trunk-injected solutions
A method for predicting the possible site of failure in trees during mechanical loading
In order to determine if it is possible to predict the site and mode of failure under mechanical loading, different tree species were subjected to bending tests. Four species were examined: European beech, English oak, Douglas fir and Norway spruce.
Avifaunal use of wooded streets in an urban landscape
Constructing nature as constructing science: expertise, activist science, and public conflict in the Chicago Wilderness
A people-centered approach to designing and managing restoration projects: insights from understanding attachment to urban natural areas
Negotiating nature: making restoration happen in an urban park context
Tree heights and force of fall
Open cavity impact on stem strength
Strength of solid tree stems
Stem strength with closed/centered cavity
Estimating leaning tree failures
Estimating wind forces on tree crowns
Tree strength and cross-sectional area
Simple mathematical approaches to tree biomechanics
The effects of land use in meteorological modeling: implications for assessment of future air quality scenarios
Statutory measures for the protection and enhancement of the urban forest in Guangzhou City, China
Public Property Tree Preservation
Organic Mulches Affect Soil and Leaf Nutrient Levels of Young Pecan Trees
A Short History of Urban Forestry in Europe
Research and management for leadership in urban forestry
Programmed tree pruning and public liability
Urbanware: Programs for urban foresters
Beneficial insects in integrated pest management on urban trees. Examples in northern Italy
Anoplophora glabripennis, a recent invader from China into urban forests of the United States
Tree monitoring protocols for Oak Park. Draft
Visual tree assessment
A survey of urban forestry in Britain
Urban soils: applications and practices
Urban forestry: comparative analysis of policies and concepts in Europe: contemporary urban forest policy-making in selected cities and countries of Europe
Health condition and dendrochronological study of the lime trees in Kaunas City
Arboriculture: integrated management of landscape trees, shrubs, and vines. 3rd ed
Planting and transplanting trees and shrubs
Planning for replanting
Recognizing tree hazards: a photographic guide for homeowners
Living with urban soils
How to hire an arborist
Trees and highways
Deicing salt problems in the landscape
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