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Published Library Resources

This virtual library holds a wide range of urban forestry resources including: research abstracts and full text journal articles, trade magazine articles, CDs, other technology transfer resources, books (or chapters of books), patents, ordinances, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.

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Predicting dimensional relationships for Twin Cities shade trees
Evaluating the cost effectiveness of shade trees for demand-side management
Urban and community forestry in Pennsylvania: sustaining and funding an urban forestry program
Tree plantation and environment awareness
Energy conservation through community forestry
Selecting, planting, and caring for your shade trees
Urban arboriculture (L' arboriculture urbaine)
The potential of urban forestry in developing countries: A concept paper
Designating your community's open space: A parks, recreation, and open space planning guide
Arborists' certification study guide
Trees in urban design. 2d ed
Urban forestry and the workplace
Managing visual quality in big, diverse urban parks: A case study of Chicago's Lincoln Park
The role of natural environment aesthetics in the restorative experience
New trees for metropolitan landscapes: Getting them from the experimental nursery to the street
Woody-plant succession in the urban forest: Filling cracks and crevices
Strategies for urban tree improvement research with seldom used species
The nurseryman's role in the species trial project
Shading effects of deciduous trees
Specifications for construction around trees
Applying forest management concepts to urban tree maintenance
Polyethylene tarping of elm firewood to prevent elm bark beetle flight
The costs of crisis vs. programmed street tree maintenance
Urban shade trees and carpenter ants
The application of integrated pest management principles in reducing costs of urban tree maintenance
The public utilities and trees
Dutch elm disease in California
The ecology of tree roots and the practical significance thereof
Establishing grass, shrubs and trees on completed sanitary landfills
Street trees of Melbourne
Amenity trees of the future?
Checklist of cultivated maples IV. Acer saccharinum L
Checklist of cultivated maples III. Acer platanoides L
METRIA projects on species trials and cultivar testing
Horticultural suitability as an economic criterion for species selection
Evaluating urban forest structure for modifying microclimate: The Dayton Climate Project
Landscape elements and climate parameters in energy conservation design
Urban forestry and city watersheds
Energy conservation through urban forestry
Valuation of privately-owned amenity trees
Managing the urban forest for wildlife
Recreational and aesthetic significance of urban woodland
Preferred features of urban parks and forests
Recreational benefits of residual open space: A case study of four communities in northeastern New Jersey
Inner city preferences for trees and urban forestry programs
Woodlands in urban areas: A resource and refuge
Corporate support for educating youth in urban forestry
Project Learning Tree--Ohio's success
Process and design for successful environmental education programs
Nature city: Translating the natural environment into urban languages
Certification and licensing of arborists
Urban forestry in undergraduate education
Is urban forestry education ready for the future?
A landscape architect's perspective of urban forestry
Reaching the urban audience: The contribution of urban foresters
Shading effects of deciduous trees
Multiple use urban forest management in the Federal Republic of Germany
Proceedings Greenline and Urbanline Parks Conference, Albany, N.Y., May 20, 1983
METRIA 4: Proceedings of the fourth conference of the Metropolitan Tree Improvement Alliance, New York Botanical Garden, June, 1983
Promoting urban forestry
Urban forestry: Some lessons from Germany
Arboriculture in Lake Forest, Illinois
Discussion of the METRIA species trial project goals, activities, coordination
Urban forestry in Florida
Urban tree cultivar exchange program of the Netherlands and the United States
The Central Park tree inventory: A management model
The management of urban street trees using computerised inventory systems
Remote sensing survey of pecan trees in five Texas cities
Municipal ordinances' relation to trees
The use of small computers in the tree care business
Managing urban forests using forestry concepts
Managing greenspace in multiple-family neighborhoods
Iowa public tree inventory system
Computer-assisted street tree management
Microcomputer databases for data management in urban forestry
Managing urban river corridors: Implications for urban forestry
Developing a community forestry program
Preferences of Detroit residents for urban forests and forestry programs
Urban trees and an ecological approach to urban landscape design
Private sector business analogies applied in urban forestry
Urban wood waste recovery: Summary of conference proceedings
Ecological considerations in urban forest management
Tree root damage to sidewalks and curbs
Stress management for trees
Targets for proper tree care
Soil factors related to urban sugar maple decline
The importance of honey fungus (Armillaria) in urban forestry
Arborists and insect control: Past, present, and future
Urban and suburban trees: Pest problems, needs, prospects, and solutions. Description of a problem analysis
Management techniques for utility tree maintenance
Ecological function and the perception of suburban residential landscapes
The forest where we live: A national strategic plan. U.S. Forest Service, FS-543. 23 pp
Managing urban and high-use recreation settings
Perceptions of ecological restorations in urban parks. Policy recommendations and directions: A Lincoln Park case study
The economic contribution of trees to urban communities
The environmental economic impact of woodland: A two stage hedonic price model of the amenity value of forestry in Britain
Value of urban greenspace for air quality improvement: Lincoln Park, Chicago
Energy-efficient and environmental landscaping: Cut your utility bills by up to 30 percent and create a natural, healthy yard
Energy saving landscapes: The Minnesota homeowner's guide
Street tree factsheets
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