Changing Roles Notebook
Includes the trainer's guides, exercises, fact sheets, case studies, DVDs, and presentations for all four modules, as well as evaluation resources and a resource list.
Using This Program
- Provides a brief description of the materials included in the program and how they can be used. read more...
Trainer's Introduction
- Includes the history behind the development of this program and an introduction to all the training materials. Some examples of how the materials can be combined and organized to create programs are provided in sample agendas. Also included are suggestions for planning a professional development program. read more...
- Module 1: Wildland-Urban Interface Issues and Connections
Introduces participants to key wildland-urban interface issues and how they are interconnected. Explains why natural resource agencies should focus on interface issues.
- Module 2: Managing Interface Forests
Provides tools and knowledge for effectively managing fragmented forests in the WUI. Includes practicing silviculture at the interface; small-scale harvesting systems; managing for wildlife, fire, and visual and recreational amenities; enterprise opportunities for landowners; and forest cooperatives.
- Module 3: Land-Use Planning and Policy
Explains land-use decision-making tools, the role of natural resource professionals in the decision-making and land-use planning process, and how natural resource professionals can get involved.
- Module 4: Communicating with Interface Residents and Leaders
Discusses key tips for effective communication with WUI residents and community leaders, beginning with the need to understand the audience, strategies for effectively sharing information and planning programs, and working to resolve conflict and support changes in behavior.
- Module 5: Emerging Issues
Covers a range of emerging issues in the wildland-urban interface and strategies for addressing them, including topics such as climate change, firewood movement, interface entrepreneurs, succession planning, ecosystem services, environmental justice, partnerships, and the benefits of outdoor activity for children. A few of the materials in this module are still in development, check back for more.
- Case Studies
Provide examples of challenges and success stories from across the South. Discussion questions are included to facilitate deeper understanding and encourage dialogue.
- DVD: When Nature is at your Doorstep
- Take a journey to three southern interface communities and explore their challenges and successes as they respond to the issues created by rapidly changing landscapes. read more...
- Evaluation Resources
An evaluation form is included for trainers to complete and send to InterfaceSouth in two forms: online and pdf. There are also a number of evaluation questions that can be used before and after the training to measure concepts learned by participants as a result of the program. It is essential that the trainers select the questions that correspond to the concepts they will cover. Suggested questions are also provided for a follow-up survey that agencies may wish to conduct several months after the training activity.